i keep trying to be trusted ownskin but still i cant be ???..everyday i do it varify but still i almost send then 15 x but still not accept it..omg...its all my cost out of nothing. .. - (10 years ago)Comment (14)
ruzzelmay (10 years ago) i closed this id na friends thank u so much...
RAFILO (10 years ago) Yes....together.Good night you beatiful always...my friend.****
arie5 (10 years ago)
ruzzelmay (10 years ago)
BrOkEnLoV3 (10 years ago) uffff mobile site rush gotta mad
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BrOkEnLoV3 (10 years ago) wc dear where r u busy today
tarekttoty (10 years ago) good morning dear 123Friendster.com - More Flowers Wishes Comments123Friendster.com - More Flowers Wishes Comments123Fr...
saarim143 (10 years ago) How's you?
Dave7792 (10 years ago) Okay tar..