jam1420 (12 years ago) {Image} baby1751 (13 years ago) tq 4 siLenT visIt... maGandanG araw...4 u ma Frenz...
sxolidotress (13 years ago) - muXta mr.panic
rose27ty (13 years ago) Treasure for what you have..time is to0 slow for th0se who wait..too swift for those who fear; too long for th0se who grief; too for th0se who re...
philipwilson bket? Wla kna msg. Skin ah. - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
Zyz27 (13 years ago) when a guy is away from his girl..all he want is her "TRUST"...but on the girls part,all she need is his "FAITHFULLNESS",not the loyalty.,!
Zyrhena (13 years ago) never get tired of doing little things 2 others,bcoz sumtyms those little things may mean so much to them...datz y i wont get tired of sendng my ...