BALQIS07 (13 years ago) иite иice dreaм ..мy dear freиs ..eppy weeкeиd with your faмly
janajwad (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} ...
mashimoto (13 years ago) “Past is past can never change it unless time will come back again but we all know it is very impossible to happen so the best thing...
BALQIS07 (13 years ago) āт тнs мσмξит 37 мīŁŁīσиs ārξ sŁξξpīи , 23 мīŁŁīσиs ārξ ƒāŁŁīи īи ,41 мīŁŁīσи ārξ ξāтīи и σиŁy 1 cuтξ pξrsσи īи тнξ wнσŁξ wσrŁd īs...