2 week more to go....final exam!!? - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 2012 is the year of my new life as a students..its a long journey to complete my studies..i hope, i can finish my journey with success..:) - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
ettle (13 years ago) ya , y not
ettle (13 years ago) hi lover killer
jan112296 (13 years ago) Happy valentine day I love uWo ai niIch liebe dichAi shi te ruSa rang hae yochan rak khun...
jan112296 (14 years ago) Take care of yourselfhave a good time
loverkiller89 feel s0 lonely...anybody want t0 be my girlfrenz???..huhuhuhu - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 BORInG!!!....... - (14 years ago)Comment (1)
loverkiller89 Yeah!!... yeah!!...esk raye!!!..SeLAMAT haRI RAYA N maaf zahir batin.. - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 have alot thing 2 d0...busy days.. - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 hehehe... - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 FinALLY, F.exam haS c0me!!!...it's s0 diffIculT u kn0w..im s0 StreSs!!!.. - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 L.O.V.3... - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 so sleepy la...g0t al0t of w0rk these week... - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
loverkiller89 feeling happy coz its holiday.. - (14 years ago)Comment (1)
loverkiller89 I fEEL So TIrED...ANd sleEPY.. - (14 years ago)Comment (3)