bsquare1111 (12 years ago)
Akpos who was a houseboy
usually sneaks into his Oga's
room, drinks his wine and
adds water to top it up. One
day his Oga bought a new
wine ...
bsquare1111 (12 years ago)
Don't wait for time. Make it.
Don't wait for love. Feel it.
Don't wait for money. Earn it.
Don't wait for the path. Find it.
Don't wait for o...
bsquare1111 (12 years ago)
Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.
bsquare1111 (12 years ago)
God never closes a door without opening a window. He always gives us something better, when He takes something away. Always pray
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