NoLoveNoTears134 (11 years ago) Wish I could hold you in my arms , Keep you safe from harm , I just wish that I could tell you Just how much I Love You ! ...
NoLoveNoTears134 (12 years ago) If only there was something that I could say,to make the sun shine, and the rain go away...I'll be your umbrella, together we'll s...
mazyoonalain (12 years ago) السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتهكيف الحال شو اخباركمف مجال انسولف ولالا بصراحه صفحتج روعه وربي
Emarati121 (13 years ago) مـآأبيگ تدريـﮯ بغلـآگ [ وينگشـف أمريـﮯ ] حلـآتـہ إنيے عشقتگ وإنت [ مـو دآريے ]
NoLoveNoTears134 (13 years ago) I wish I was a tear drop , Born in your eyes , Live on your cheeks AndDie on your lips.
AmeeRaloaRd (13 years ago) [url=] {Image} [/url]
NoLoveNoTears134 (13 years ago)
uae3232727 (13 years ago)
bishu22 عجيييييييب والله - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
uae3232727 (13 years ago) thank 4 add
weldalfajira (13 years ago) ويحفظج ويخليج انتي بعد
weldalfajira (13 years ago) مرحباج تسلمين ع دعوة اتشرف والله
bishu22 Al7amdulellah 4 everything... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
bishu22 feeling baaaaad.... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)