Super Junior is group that can do anything. But there is one thing we're unable to .. break up. - (11 years ago)Comment (0)
RicK0001 (11 years ago) Marry Christmas dear friend Have a sweet Christmas this year Take care# SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) Happy Birthday {Image}
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) Happy Anniversary {Image}
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) Twitter Member SUPER Junior 슈퍼주니어 {Image}
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) 131026 Heechul's twitter update우주대스타 @HeeZZinPang :트위터랑 텀블런지 덤블링인지 다 다운 받았다. 맨날 셀카 찍기도 귀찮은데 1년치 우주대스타그램에 사진 올릴꺼 쟁여놔야지. 트위터는 만들어만 놨고 글 쓸 생각은...
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) 슈키라 SUKIRA @KBSKISSTHERADIO Twitter Update오오!! 이것이 바로 극강의 비주얼이다!전 세계 소녀팬들 심장에 브이텍 오게 만들희철+강인의 골져스한 비주얼 5종세트! 지금 바로, 확인하세요! >_
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) #SS5Manila Donghae's Birthday Project Hand banner with party hats ♫ SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) _PO_Paket Mumer SUJU Hanya Rp 45 Ribu Dapat :1.Notes SUJU+Bolpoin Dalam Polos 14,2x10,22.Poster SUJU Ukuran A3 3.Pin Kecil SUJU4.Stiker S...
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) SS5 MANILLA STAGE {Image}
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) 131024 [NEWS UPDATE]#SS5ManillaThis is a project banner for 'So I' song. It's a promise from ELF, our Philippine ELF-fellows are gonna do i...
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) Choi Siwon (@Siwon407) Twiiter Update :thanks and gnite! {Image}
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) Henry (@henrylau89) Twitter Upadte : been a while! on my way to Philippines today! cant way to see if ur still the laudest! haha SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) Zhoumi (@zhoumi_419) Update Twiiter : 필리핀 간다!出发~ Republic of the Philippines go! chu fa {Image}
SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) [131023] SPAO Weibo Update - Donghae & Eunhyuk ^^ SuperJunior3424 (11 years ago) [PIC]131023 Honeymallow Splash Page Update - Kyuhyun with Taemin shineeView all