jewel5800 (11 years ago) you from.......?...& are a muslim.....?
sameer4164 (11 years ago) r u ok..
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) Understand I'm not perfect, but no man is perfect because perfection belongs only to the creator :-)
sameer4164 (11 years ago) thanks for response....
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) Mungkin aku bukanlah yang terbaik aku terima dan pasrah kan semua nya ke ALLAh :-)
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) I'm happy for whatever reason ..
Ikhsanudin9 (11 years ago) thanks
denyx501x (11 years ago) hey . . seila
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) Ouhh ..Aku sangat lelah I'am going to sleep :*
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) Very hot this afternoon Huuhhfft ..
Manu0836 (11 years ago) Hi good morning
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) Morning very tired, Because I'am done exercising :-(
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) I'am very tired with school work !Hah ..
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) Why do none of those who understan,and can afford to language, Indonesian :-o :-( ;-(
SheiLLa74 (11 years ago) I Want to sLeep :-oDrowsy :-* :-*