ShadaMp (12 years ago) What did the toast say to the knife ?? BUTTER ME UP
ShadaMp (12 years ago) You are the twinkle of my eyes;The smile on my lips;The joy of my face;Without you I am incomplete.Contributed by Vibhul Bansal♫
ShadaMp (12 years ago) Best ever!
ShadaMp Love me, i will move a mountain to make yu happy, hurt me and i will drop the mountain on yu... - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
MandyAfterlife94 (12 years ago) No..y do ya say that?
ShadaMp Follow me on twitter Shada_mp and gat more swagg or facebook me Shada Mp :) :d - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
ShadaMp (12 years ago) Hi mandy
ShadaMp (12 years ago) Ii Mandy
ShadaMp Woooow! - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
ShadaMp (12 years ago) Hello my lady
ShadaMp (12 years ago) Am at home
MandyAfterlife94 (12 years ago) Hi there..
MandyAfterlife94 (12 years ago) ?
ShadaMp I am seeing things, i see yu people - (12 years ago)Comment (0)