MiSa8523 wHy Do PeOpLe HuRt EaCh OtHeR... - (13 years ago)Comment (7)
emadbarka (13 years ago) HELLO ¨¨..¨¨¨8"=,,88,¨¨¨_.¨¨¨¨¨8""=""8'¨¨"88a88'..¨.;88m¨a8¨¨¨,8""¨"8¨"8"'¨¨"88"¨¨A"¨¨¨¨¨8;¨¨¨"8,¨¨"8¨¨¨8¨¨¨¨¨¨¨"8,...
Phone77565353 (13 years ago) Hello.ane hello
Decoasto (13 years ago) {Image} Decoasto (13 years ago) heI iTz okeI. . .u dOn'T hve tO saY sOri bOut dIs bTw gOodniTe c Yah. . .
Decoasto (13 years ago) sO waT u dOin nw.? dOne wIt dinnr.?
MiSa8523 (13 years ago) Fine, I ThInk
Decoasto (13 years ago) gOod. . . wbu.?
Decoasto (13 years ago) hello^^..
maryweah (13 years ago) (roseloverichard@yahoo.co.uk)My name is rose richard . i went through your profile today on and became intrested ,i will also like to...
xavi210 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} MiSa8523 ... - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
Boy12361 (13 years ago) hi
Decoasto (13 years ago) {Image}
Boy12361 (13 years ago) hi.