i'm cold - (11 years ago)Comment (0)
Skinnygarfield (7 years ago)
shimoo1610 (11 years ago) {Image}
gift0101 (11 years ago) With the word Gift,
sibi91 (11 years ago)
sibi91 (11 years ago) Smile is a Cooling System of Heart,Sparkling System of Eyes,Lighting System of Face,Relaxing System of Mind,So Activate All System wit...
sibi91 (11 years ago) Everyone has a BEST FRIEND during each Stage of LIFE,BUTOnly lucky ones have same FRIEND in all stages of life.Hello..... Good EVENIN...
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sibi91 (11 years ago) In life, we have a lot to lose and very little to Choose, Whenever you get a chance to choose, do it wisely and see that you NEVER LOSE WHAT Y...
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