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 Last Login:7 years ago
 King of black people
Devils united
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 Guotwieu  (7 years ago) 


 Guotwieu  (10 years ago) 

 GUOT WIEU,(AKER SON) born in east africa,on monday,22,1997, now or later 2014 he has 17 year old ,he need to marry a girl of 10 year old (why) th...

 Guotwieu  (10 years ago) 

 From an alien source are approaching from the sky,radio cantact has been attempted but cannot be established,instruction are too prepare for an a...

 Guotwieu  (10 years ago) 

 From an alien source are approaching from the sky,radio cantact has been attempted but cannot be established,instruction are too prepare for an a...

 Guotwieu  (10 years ago) 

 One day me king of black people was walking at night with my friend,my friend saw a lion ,he pray to God that ,GOD make this lion to be a christi...

 Guotwieu  (10 years ago) 

 I wish my people could have asked me to dig them a river

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