Safwan1101 (12 years ago) yuhuuhappy moningsi wan
jam1420 (12 years ago) For YOU... JAM xiicharm05 (12 years ago) hello eliaz Im fine. . .gudaftie !
Cinta6988 (12 years ago) Yup btl se x
zizo202 (12 years ago) {Image} Eliaz22 (12 years ago) Charmmie,a pretty name,same the face in ur profile!
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) carmmie is my realnameCharm is my chatname .
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) c0z s0me of them r also funny . I guess thats how a c0nversati0n should be s0metimes . Wer just enjoying it to make it lasts .
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) Every caring person says:if anything happens to u, i'll be here beside u.but G0D will say:nothing will happen to u,as long as I am with...
Eliaz22 (12 years ago) Why dnt have?
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) i d0nt have a bf .
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) ok ok
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) its just a quote f0r all my friends including u. . . if u d0nt like it then u can delete it if u want .
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) Laughing isn't something you do for fun. It is sometimes a relief when you badly misses someone or an escape when you're hurting too mu...