Relation: Single | |
Mobile Operator: vodacom mz | |
Phone Model: 6124 c | |
Occupation: student | |
Company: gc seckar | |
Schools: primaria de sangariveira, Escola SOS, E, S, G deCoane, Quelimane, E, Sde tete | |
Hate: liers, novels and other | |
Fav. Music: james blunt, enrique inglesias, lil wayne and others | |
Fav. Movies: harry potter, predators, american ninja, hallowin, jack reacher, final destination | |
Fav. Books: harry potter, boot, s cat, and other | |
Fav. Celebrity: james blunt, enrique inglesias, lil wayne, R, Ross, N, Minaj and others | |
Skinner Since: 12 years ago | |
Last Login: 10 years ago | |