About Me
~**I'm a sixteEn yEar-oLd fiRst yEar cOLLegE stUdeNt at DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY.. I'm taking up BS ACCOUNTANCY.. hoPE i'LL gRAduate with this cOUrse!! wooOoh! yeaH!! ^,~
~**mAh fRiEnDs sAy tHat i'M a vErY fRiEnDLy pErson,joLLy,fUn to bE wiTh,cRazY.. hAha.. yAh.. tHey'Re aLL riGhT!! tHaT's eXactLy mE.. aNd aDdiTiOn tO tHat i'M aLSo God-fEaring, smart, a shy-type person sometimes.. heHe.. i LoVe wAtcHiNg vCds aNd dVDs, sOuNdtRiPpiNg, sUrFiNg tHe nEt, sLeEpiNg, aNd cALLiNG mY fRieNds.. wELL,, tHat's my pAst timE.. ^.~
~**i LOvE bUtTerFLiEs.. tHey'rE sO bEaUtifUL.. wOoOhhH.. ^_~
~**i LiKe pEoPLe wHo aRe tRuE, hOnEst pRobABLy.. GoD-fEariNg, friEnDLy, kiNd, uMmM... a CERTIFIED tRuE frienD!! wOoOoHhH.. yEaH!! ^.~
~**uMmM.. i tHinK tHaTs eNouGh tO dEcriBE mYSeLf.. HeHE.. ^^,