syananaa: Sorry really2 I N A C T I V E.. Female,36,,World of happiness but many hateness, gadongAREA ΦΦAKU MENCINTAIMU KERNA AGAMA YANG ADA PADAMU,JIKA KAU HILANGKAN AGAMA DALAM DIRIMU,HILANGLAH CINTAKU PADA MU.. (sabda ; imam nawawi) ΦΦ - im just a simple girl with a simple in my head,freedom in my soul - *jus4urINFO*** bytheway.. Im not goin'to talk to SEXMANIACS so dont even brader to leave me a comment&messages cuz i wont reply.Im not into HOTCHAT with anyone of any age,let will own some of the uglyfucks u get on here=D *HATE wen sumone 'tarus2' ask my NO HANDPHONE..(for what ahh?? mun sx dua gnya 'timbul'..Bh JANGANTH..memanuhi/menyemak sja rah my contact =p) *HATE wen sumone ask about my status and kan mbwa COUPLE/BCINTA or WHATSEVER laa..Actually im hre just want to make be friend,nda labih aslkn JUJUR & IKHLAS ;) *and lastly im REALLY HATE/BNR2KU NDA BMINAT bila sumone kn mbwa BERJUMPA..(bru jua kenal dh cea kn bjumpa2 ;D) ***well i dont intend to say much here.i hope u're mature enough,to know whats ryt&wrong.OFCOURSE i welcome EVERYBODY but that doesnt give u the ryt to be somebody to JUDGE me.. This page belongs me,so i CAN write whatever i like to..=D ***