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Hey Hey Hey welcome to my site: be yourself and not like everyone else will have it's cool to be yourself
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Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:sony ericsson
Phone Model:w595, w580, t700
Occupation:music, friends, and many other things
Schools:a secret
Like:jonas brothers, love, peace, christmas many other things
Hate:war, evil, much more
Fav. Music:jonas brothers, selena gomez, demi lovato, taylor swift, enrique iglesias
Fav. Movies:many
Fav. Books:the twilight saga, many other
Fav. Celebrity:jonas, brothers, selena, gomez, demi, lovato, taylor, swift, beyoncé, christina, aguliera, nik, og, jay, joey, moe, enrique, iglesias, zac, efron
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

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