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a simple girl leading a simple life. loves the colour black and pink. hates copycats and backstabbers. obsessed with her fone and friends are oh so loves. adores self to the max and dunt give a damn shit to those who dunt respect as the way i am. not being rude but some sarcasm just make the day. dunt understand anything,its suggested dat you leave. =)

Relation:Is a Secret
Occupation:a student still depending on herself
Like:all the little things that make life great
Hate:those ppl who just have to make me hate them
Fav. Music:music just make up my life, my saviour
Fav. Movies:those dat i heff watched perhaps
Fav. Books:textbooks maybe, gawsh, do i look like a bookworm
Fav. Celebrity:avril lavigne is LURVEEEE
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

Cuming soon

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