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kata orang2 gw itu ngeseliN... ngemesiN... ngangeniN... Prtama kenaL pada bilaNg ngeseliN... LaMa_LaMa liatiN gw pada gemesiN... Ehh pasS daH temeNen ma gw pada bilaNg gw ngangeniN.... hhh.... gw cuka nntN... Cuka b0bo... Pa lagi shoppiNg... Rajin sholat... Rajin kul... I loVe t0 eatS maCaroNi scHoitEll, frUitS N vegetaBeLs, apple pi, chocolate cHeZkek, SaLmoN susHi, N whitE cHcolate.... My impoRtaNt thin9s my family... My beSteStfrenS........ Lage peNgEn baNgEt bikin bukU ttg Tulis2an gw...sm albUm fhoto.... My dreams barcelona, balon udara, pesiar, diviNg, road tRip....hhhh.......

Mobile Operator:TELKOMSEL
Phone Model:E72
Occupation:a student
Like:my family
Hate:wake up in the morning
Fav. Music:whatya want from me, fallin for you, be with you, wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku, please dont stop the rain, dont stop the music, distrubia, shape of my heart, crush, somebodys me, hero, dont you forget about me, just dance, heal the world, im sorry goodbye
Fav. Movies:shrek, the lord of the rings, shes, s the man, high school musical, boys befor flowers, harry potter and the half, madagaskar, avatar, escape 2 africa, the twilight saga, bella swan, star trek, transformers of solace, RESIDENT EVIL EXTINCTION, i am legend
Fav. Books:mikko, lagi2 tentang cwo, if im missing or dead, the davinci code, pulling princess
Fav. Celebrity:aDam laMbeRt, zac efroN, rihaNna, akoN, avriL lavignE, leoNa lEwis
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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