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supernaturalfan101 Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Female,34, , living in qatar orginally from canada LOOOVE supernatural and everythin abt it! (i know i sound addictive) love meetin new people and hangin out with fwendz!Relation: Is a SecretPhone Model: LG KS360 Like: muzic and SUPERNATURAL Hate: oprah Fav. Music: simple plan , nickelback , hilary duff , blue , SIMPLE PLAN Fav. Movies: high school musical 3 , senior year , all harry potter movies , a knights tale Fav. Books: The Cairo Diary , The Poet Fav. Celebrity: JENSEN ACKLES nd leonardo dicaprio , heath ledger , zac efron Skinner Since: 16 years agoLast Login: 14 years ago
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