Shreya: ►PlayTheMoments ▌▌PauseTheMemories █▌StopThePain ◄◄RewindTheHappiness. Female,39,,Mumbai
ღ Forget everything you think you know about me, because here is the REAL me.
ღ It's going to be long & complicated...
ღ I'm not your average gurl, i'm the gurl who wont back down.
ღ I say what i want, to who i want.
ღ I'm not a party gurl but i'm down to have fun.
ღ I respect people if they respect me first. Simple as that.
ღ I trust no bitch except the one's that help keep my chin up, and i fear no man cuz only god can punish me for my mistakes.
ღ I got everyone in my life, i know who my real friends are & whos fake.
ღ Best friends are for life & not a week. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy and you dont want that.
ღ I know that life is too short to wake up with regrets, I regret nothing in my past, present & future, so I love the people who treat me right and forget about the one's who dont.
ღ My hearts forever taken regardless of where we standd. Sorry about that.
ღ I'm a textaholic & i hate being bored.
ღThis was me being me..Pleased to meet you,
ღ Im Shreya