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Amongst the stars, that shine so bright, I know th: Amongst the stars, that shine so bright, I know that you are there, at an amazing height, Although your gone, I feel you, you’re love is all so strong
A small luv story... ♥ ♥ A boy and a girl Loved each other very much. Unfortunately the Girl Died..:( ... ...Boy was Upset so much; and he couldn't Stop his Tears. ...He kept on Crying Day and Night..:'( Many People gave Sympathy, but no Argument could Stop His Tears. One Night He Slept and had a Dream; He saw the Girl in Heaven with so many Girls of Her age. He felt Relax.. But He Noticed that every Girl was in Fairy Dress; and had a Lightened Candle in their Hands, but his GF had a Candle which was not Lightened..! He asked Her: "Y Ur Candle is not Lightened?" She said: "Whenever I enlighten My Candle; Ur Tears fall on it..! Please Stop Crying.

Mobile Operator:zong
Phone Model:Nokia n70 m, Editiom
Occupation:Job in nestle
Schools:Govt, Saint, joseph high school larkana
Like:my cousion
Hate:no one
Fav. Music:jal bands kash ye pal
Fav. Movies:titanic
Fav. Books:quran pak
Fav. Celebrity:One who make all this world
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:6 years ago

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