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★ Ř ♥ đ ā: - - R E S I G N E D ★★★What other people think of me is none of my business
Female,41,,, heaven, is, never, too, far
►Sometimes I don't understand far who I am to myself and who I am to others. My moods vary depending on my instinct..i have a dual or at times , a triple or even more personality. You would often wonder which one is really me. don't wonder too much, both of them are me its just that sometimes, one take over the other..im changeable and inconstant, this would surely keep u wondering what would come next...✿ ►one place, one theme, one state, never suits me..i have a habit of making my presence felt then taking off into some distant without a word to anyone bout wer im headed..change is the only constant in my life..hahaha ✿ ►I may seem cool and uninterested in emotions and sentiments but somewhere deep inside me is a woman who is passionate and sentimental.. If u are thinking that i never care at all just try to look on the big picture to see the reason behind my behavior..✿ ►I often manage a varied and huge range of task all at the same time and balance everything wonderfully..am fond of making plans, convincing and persuading others with sweetest of sugar talk..hahahaha.. are you convinced? lmao✿ ►I'm optimistic yet pessimistic..weird isn't it?! What you see is not really what you get..lol... I'm easy to get along with but I just choose whom I call friends...am not a typical friendly gal but what makes me more appealing to others is the way i befriend them. ✿ ►possessive, and independent are the best description 4 me. regardless of what it takes, i am somebody who risks everything for something i desire. i take life seriously as something that must be planned ahead of time and not as something that is predestined.i am also very ambitious that i always want to go above the raising and fly beyond the limit ✿ ►Am here to express not to impress ✿ ►What RD wants, RD gets © ◕‿◕

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:, Ř, , đ, ā
Phone Model:►Iphone, 3GS, and, Samsung, Galaxy, S4
Like:★STRAWBERRY, PrisonBreak, Heroes, HouseMD, VideoGames, BlueberryCheesecake, StrawberryMoouse, VanillaiceCream, Mushrooms, DeathNote, Magazines, BrandedStuffsetc
Hate:★MenWithoutBalls, cozTheyTalkMuch, FairWeatherFriends, doubleCrosser, Hipocrite, kissNtell, GreatPretenders, NarrowMindedPeople, Stirrer, etc
Fav. Music:★songs, by, U2, Coldplay, Lifehouse, TheCalling, 3DoorsDdown, Creed, GreenDay, and, a, lot, lot, more, Kokomo, sounds, of, summer, and, Sweet, Escape, etc
Fav. Movies:★TimeTravelersWife, TwilightSaga, PearlHabor, MyLife, WhatDreamsMayCome, TheClick, TheNotebook, SoClose, NakedWeapon, TheEye1, TheEyeInfinity, DeadPoetSociety, Armageddon, SavingPrivateRyan, ForestGump, DevilsAdvocate, Jumper, Homerun, PatchAdams, EverybodysFine, etc
Fav. Books:★MedicalSurgicalBooks, PsychiatricNursing, The, Alchemist, TwilightSaga, DarkSacrament, BooksWrittenBy, AllanAndBarbaraPease, MitchAlbon, StephenieMeyer, DanBrown, PauloCoehlo, etc
Fav. Celebrity:★DavidBecham, RyanPhillip, WentworthMiller, AdamSandler, AshtonKutcher, BenAffleck, JosephFiennes, BradPitt, JoshHartnett, BradleyCooper, NicholasCage, KateBekinsale, MeganFox, EvaMendez, RachelMcAdams, AshleyGreeneChanningTanum, RobertPattinson, JenniferGarner, JLo, etc
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:8 years ago

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