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вiвeн™♥: don't give up. make the obstacles as a enegizer to make you raise.
Female,38,,still looking where i am belong to
sometimes, i talk harsh. sorry, my bad. but, yea.. true. why should i hide my attitude? this is i am. i only can accept for those people who can accept me for who i am. not just for my appearance or anything would attract them to come close. i also have my dignity! respect other people first, then people wil RESPECT YOU. Chow.

Relation:It's complicated
Mobile Operator:DST broadband, B, Mobile
Phone Model:E71, N76, N70, N95
Occupation:busy but relax
Company:do i care
Schools:driving school
Like:my beloved fiance
Hate:liar, backstabber, fakers, pretender, pemajal, gila sex, perverter, socialist, laki2 yg jenis PENIPU antap, yg nda pndai kn cukup satu, THE HELL STALKER, HUHU
Fav. Music:rnb, alternative rock, catchy song
Fav. Movies:innocent witch, snowqueen
Fav. Books:sharifah abu salem, s
Fav. Celebrity:fahrin ahmad, zizan nin, erry putra, malay original looking, D yg bdnnya tough2, uh, selamat rasanya
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Sexy baby inside!

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