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هدفي في الحياة طلع تسلل: دايخ في عالم بايخ
Ear to listen not just hear Troubles in life willing to share Open arms are there for me Smoothing voice will always be Shout out loud you're by my side To be the one that I confide To trust to hold all my desires When I'm in pain you cool my fire Pick me up When I'm feeling down Making me smile instead of frown Help me through the good and the bad A shoulder to cry on when I'm sad Knowing all my deepest secrets You will keep them I have no frets Holding memories that we have shared Always knowing how much you cared Your my Bestfriend and always will be Thanks for being there always for me

Mobile Operator:Libyana, AL, MADAR
Phone Model:E51, N82, 6300
Company:شركه, اسبانيه
Schools:اكاديميه, جنزور
Hate:هلبا, حاجات, مش, حلوه, في, حياتنا
Fav. Music:براين, جورج, اصاله, فيروز
Fav. Books:القران, الكريم
Fav. Celebrity:ابي
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

Idea for Valentine Days

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