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gee: *live wit nO heart**love neEd to be seEK**whatever i still love my way. . .* xp
Female,34,,near your cribs
heyderR. . Im easy going kind of chic. .*chill day and nite* *doNt talk silly to me* *stop aCting like wannaBE infroNT of me* uve beEN warneD dudE (n . n)v pS. Just adD me xZEey-fluffychixX@msn.coM thanks xD

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:dst darling
Phone Model:n73
Occupation:working already bAH,
Schools:When i was child, schoOL year1to6, Further to 2ndry, year7to11 then ive just finish my year 12 low and up xpxp
Like:i like rumOURs, Interesting friends cn share fabolous news, Reading the mOst, nOVelist, froM nOW, Xp i like anythng as loNg as it cuTe in my eye n, o
Hate:i hate unimpresSEd THNg, WannaBE all the way froM any countries xpxp
Fav. Music:rnb, alternative rock, hiphop, pop, reggae, house, culture club remix, indoNESian soNg nOT forgetting shining local artist soNgs ahax
Fav. Movies:a alot, horROr, aCTion, scifict, 3DAnim
Fav. Books:jane austes, ian, lane kURland, Xpxp
Fav. Celebrity:mc, 2, taylor swift, secondhand serenadE, Jay sean, ilovehim, And banyak lagi la esh, lalah membuat profile ne bnr tha
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

Popping Pink

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