ivy♥: thOSe whO kNOWs 'HOW' wiLL aLWaYs hAvE a jOb..bUt thOSe whO kNOWs 'WHY' wiLL bE hiS bOSs..^_^ Female,36,, im just simple and shy type of girl.. ..i dont easily trust people..
..but im not that hard to please..being nice,trustful, thoughtful, loving and caring with me would make me happy..
im not materialistic,im more on foods though eating lots of food couldn't make me gain any fat..im slim!!hahaha♥
..some say im silent,but if they just know me better they would discover how crazy i am,coz my close friends already do..
..hey!im not a good skinner,i admit.but im trying^_^