Female,32,,Philippines ">.. I aM nOt a PerFecT giRl my hAir dOEsnt aLWays sTay in plAce aNd I spiLL thiNgs a Lot ... Im pRettY cLumSy and somTimes I haVe a bROken hEarT . . . My friEnd and I somEtiMes fiGht and maYbe sOme daYs noTHin gOes riGht . . . bUt wEn i thInk aboUt iT and tAke a steP baCK i RememBer hOw tRuLy amaZing liFE tRuly iS and thAt mayBe , , juSt mayBE , , I LIKE BEING IMPERFECT .........