Vivi: Wipe Ur Mouth, There's a lil BullShit Around Ur Lips Female,40,,Surabaya, Malang, Bondowoso I'm a Chinese Indonesian who can't speak or write in chinese
so write me in English :)
i want to say hi to all of's been a long2 time for me not to create any themes..
I really LOVE Vis' Drawing
u can see his drawing at my themes
Here's the name of Vis Drawings:
Bear - Bono
Giraffe - Olaf
Mouse - Flo
Elephant - Axel
Cow - Eddy
Penguin - Hanky
Sheep - Jaap
Frog - Herman
Pig - Dump
Tortoise - Winston
Mole - Frank
Cat - Kwan
Dog - Ding Dong
Parrot - Harrry
Hedgehog - Terry
Bunny - Gogo
Hippo - Hump
Hen - Madeleine
Monkey - Mo
Zebra - Home
my fave character is OLAF
he is really2 cute n crazy
*update 2012/02/13's been 3 or 4 years, and i almost forget
As i wrote, i'm chinese Indonesian, but now i'm in China, learning Chinese. This is my second year. And i think my Chinese's poor. hehe. But you can write me in Chinese. :)
See you around people!!!