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2 Corinthians 5:7: "In pain, I smile, In confusion, I understand, In betrayal, I trust and In fear, I push forward"
Female,39,,bacoor cavite
VISIT MY TWITTER AND TUMBLR ACCOUNT: http://twitter.com/tephie_teph http://tephietephworld.tumblr.com/ #30 THINGS ABOUT ME 1. I’m in love with the colour RED 2. I’m an OC. I want EVERYTHING to be neat and organize. 3. I hate ketchup,vinegar. The smell and taste of it is just UGH! 4. I already quit smoking and drinking liquors and coffee. BELIEVE ME! 5. I have a fetish for sexy neck. Lol 6. Any religious figurines, statues etc scares the crap out of me. (I believe in God but not with those stuffs) 7. I collect pillows and books. 8. I know how to bake brownies and cakes. 9. I easily forget. I know my memory is bad. PROVEN AND TESTED. 10. I’m a chronic insomniac,It doesn’t bother me even if I don’t sleep for like 5 days. 11. I’m allergic to chicken. 12. I’m good at repressing emotions. 13. I have poor eyesight. 14. I hate it when a person pronounces my name incorrectly. It’s STEPHINIE not STEPHANIE . That’s with an ‘i’ and not with an ‘a’ 15. I love dogs. 16. I love it when the sky is gloomy and gray,and I pity the people who frown when it rains. 17. I have this certain laugh/giggle. 18. I have one sister and our age gap is by 11 months only. 19. I never woke up by myself usually someone should call me, make 10-40 missed calls before my eyes would pop open. 20. I know a bit of Malay,Nihonggo and Hindi. 21. I easily get jealous. Not a GOOD thing,I KNOW. 22. I can’t go a day without music. Music is my life. Wherever I am, the music is with me. 23. Don’t dare to pissed the **** out of me. You’ll regret it my dear. 24. I am probably the most forgiving person in the world. 25. I love my Ohana. The best blessing I have received. 26. Once you lie to me,things can only go downhill. 27. I love giving hugs and receiving one as well =D 28. I took up BSBA major in Marketing for a year before shifting to A.B. Mass Communication. ( I quit because of accounting) 29. I hate summer. 30. I prefer reading than watching television. Give me a good novel instead.

Mobile Operator:smart and globe
Phone Model:samsung genoa c3510, n70, 5300, X2
Company:96, 3 EasyRock Manila
Schools:Adamson University, AB Mass Communication
Like:bags, shoes, cakes, frappe, books, dogs, good movies, butterfly, chocolates, ice cream, pizza, shopping, faithful
Hate:cats, reptiles, amphibians, ELK,
Fav. Music:rNb, house and acoustics, trance, hmm from chris brown, rhianna, justin timberlake, beyonce, neyo, muse, incubus, paramore, timbaland, greenday, U2, the fray, coldplay, DJ tiesto
Fav. Movies:Life is beautiful, saving private ryan, i am legend, devils advocate, bourne identity, supremacy, ultimatum, LOTR, full metal jacket, american psycho, how 2 loose a guy in 10days, italian job, Bond movies, The Cube
Fav. Books:books by sidney sheldon stephenie meyer john grisham, the best laid plan, nothing last forever, twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn, the firm, master of the game, if tomorrow comes, present of the past, windmills of the Gods, rage of angels
Fav. Celebrity:Hmm
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:9 years ago

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