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-A Goth kid...I'm still friendly if u didnt make me mad.. -Loves movies,music,drawing & nail arts.. -Don't be stupid to tell me I'm sexy~that's not me on my profile picture~I'm way cuter then the person did on my profile pic.... -& STOP SPAMMING MY WALL(GUESTBOOK)! _______________________________________

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:Maxis
Phone Model:W850i
Like:Mana, , Movie, Music, Japan, Gothic, Vintage, Candies, Kajiura, Yuki
Hate:Homework, Exam, Mathematics, Text book
Fav. Music:J rock, Visual Kei, Gothic Metal, Pop Rock, Punk Rock, Classical, Orchestra, Symphony, Harp, Cello, Harpsichord, Violin, Organ
Fav. Movies:Tim Burton, s movie
Fav. Books:Big, Fish, A, Novel, of, Mythic, Proportions, Bibliotheca, Mystica, de, Dantalian, Lolita, The, Picture, of, Dorian, Gray, 一筆書きの美學, Alice, In, Wonderland, カワイイ革命, Memoris, of, Geisha
Fav. Celebrity:Mana, A, エース), SID, D, Malice, Mizer, 分島花音, Kanon, Wakeshima, 赤飯, J, S, Bach, Cécile, Corbel, Kajiura, Yuki
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:11 years ago

Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

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