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Female,34,,lawas, sarawak
nothing much....i am who i am..i dont care if u dont like my attitude, as long as im happy being myself n making everyone that i love happy...n for the haters and the stalkers, get a life u moron (s)!

Relation:In a Relationship
Hate:people who always interrupt me when im ignoring them
Fav. Music:Alternative Rock, Acoustic Guitar, Screamo, Slow Rock, Punk Rock, Old School, Oldies, Country, Indie Rock, n blablabla, but not really sure, tweng2
Fav. Movies:A Walk To Remember, Scary Movies, American Pie, Borat, Jackass The Movie n blablabla
Fav. Books:i dont read books
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

Popping Pink

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