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in the first page in our story The future seemed so bright Then this thing turned out so evil I don't know why I'm still surprised Even angels have their wicked schemes And you take that to new extremes But you'll always be my hero Even though you've lost your mind

Relation:In a Relationship
Phone Model:black berry 9900
Schools:high school
Like:watching scary movies, chatting with my friends, make new friends with other people
Fav. Music:rab music, metal music, all tamer hosny songs
Fav. Movies:twilight, 3omar w salma, titanic, avatar, saw, transporter, the crank, 8mile, troy
Fav. Books:the secret
Fav. Celebrity:tamer hosny, linkin park, rihanna, byonce, ashley tisdale, back street boys, ramy sabry, tamer 3ashour, 3mr diab, emienem, avril lavghine, ahmed ezat, shiereen, justin paper, muhamed hamay
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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