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i like only d best things watever it is @ any cost :P

Relation:It's complicated
Mobile Operator:Airtel
Phone Model:Lumia 830
Schools:ST, Lawrence high school
Like:playing games, chatting, surfing
Hate:waiting for someone
Fav. Music:Machine Gun Kelly, In place of hope, Mike posner, Linkin park, Eminem, 30 seconds to mars, T, I, Maroon5, Backstreet boys, Justin timberlake, Kayne west, Bury Tommorw, Green day,
Fav. Movies:Harry potter series, Mission impossible series, Spiderman series, Lord of rings 1, 2, 3, Chronicles of Narnia, Dragon ball evolution, transporter1, 2, 3, hellboy2, Eragon, 300, x, men originals wolverine
Fav. Books:kuran, when books come in my hand my eyes start closing
Fav. Celebrity:eminem, hugh jackman, salman khan, matt demon, sam worthington, mark wahlberg
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:4 years ago

Cuming soon

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