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I collect mobile phones,and have 165 now. I enjoy reading....a lot....and listening to alternative music,and PC stuff. Playing the piano and guitar are also big on my agenda. I'm happily married and have 11 kitty cats,and no children!! I am unable to work,as I have a severe back problem,and am happily and merrily dosed up on opoids and codeine every day (stay awake??Who said anything about staying awake???!!!!!!!!) So,yes,I suppose I am disabled...but I hate that word!!! I don't look it,and people tend to judge me when i'm riding around on my disabled scooter,because I look young and fit...shouting..."lazy cow" etc etc etc. I'm sure you can imagine!Which I hate.Some nasty folk in the world. So...because of all this...I never take anything or anyone for granted. ___________PLEASE READ BELOW____________ *******(IF ANYONE WANTS TO REQUEST A THEME.........JUST ASK AND I WILL GIVE IT A GO FOR YOU)*******

Mobile Operator:3, O2, T, Mobile
Phone Model:N95, N73, O2 XDA Exec, E50, SE W850i, E61, 6280, 7710, N70
Occupation:Piano Teacher
Like:Mobile phones, piano, reading, PC, cats, gaming
Hate:Narrow, mindedness, stupidity, racism, arguements
Fav. Music:The Mission, The Alarm, Within Temptation, Lacuna Coil
Fav. Movies:The Crow, The Shawshank Redemption, Titanic, Bridget Jones, Misery, French films
Fav. Books:James Herbert novels, Kelley Armstrong, Stephen King, Shaun Hutson
Fav. Celebrity:Mike Peters, Wayne Hussey, Jayne Goldman
Skinner Since:18 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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