jarie30: EvErythiNg tHat haPPens, Happens foR a pUrpose ♥♥ Female,32,,genEral SantoS ciTy i'M mArie.. yoUngest in ouR faMily..i'M now a FreshmaN student in Mindanao pOlytechnic College knowN as the Bast maRitime sChool in thE philippines.i'M taking up bachelor of sCience in CustoMs administration ♥ i Am 17 yEars olD.. hmp.. coming up 18 in august.. i am an AcAdemically aChiever and a ScholAr.. i lOve ev'Rything thAt maKes me happy.. i loVe to collEct bLue thinGs.. they said i'm a loVing yet not so Caring perSon ♥♥ anYwei, i am God-fearing perSon.. i creAte my oWn woRld .. i aM What i aM.. i Hate plAstics, liar.. and things that mAkes me sad :(
i wAnted to be successful someday .. of course, who hates to be successful.. right?? tilL here...