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mimi: when there is no struggle,there is no strenght
My favorie color is GREEN!("_,) Philippine is my Home.UAE is my House. I love being with different people coz i learn more from them! I had a lot of friends but few are the best! I would know whos my friend in time of my need. I do what's the first thing that comes in my mind and regrets it in the end!:-( I love food but food dont like me thats why i'd rather be in fashion.:-) Im still waiting for the right one for me..but it doesn't mean im not trying the wrong one's.B-P When i love someone,i give him only 50% i give the other half for myself,coz i'm afraid to get hurt in the end. I LOVE Myself but I AM NOT Selfish. I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear. I easily trust people and i am easily get hurt. Everybody knows i am sensitive and emotional. We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are. I agree to what oprah winfrey says:"when there is no struggle,there is no strenght!" I thought it was quite vain to say, I want to be a model. People judge me by the way they can see me as i am, but once they've been in my company,they try to abused me!:-@ I just want to live my life to the fullest,to live the life i was dreaming about,i know i can get it all..i just cant get it all at once! I want to be with someone i know i cant live without.. I'm anal retentive. I'm a workaholic. I have insomnia. And I'm a control freak. That's why I'm not married. Who could stand me?(lol)

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:ETISALAT
Phone Model:SONY ERICSSON K850i
Occupation:In Hospital
Company:Dubai Hospital
Like:sweet and thoughtful
Hate:haters and backfighters
Fav. Music:r, n, b, rap, alternative
Fav. Movies:horror, sci, fi, suspense
Fav. Books:none
Fav. Celebrity:avril
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Cuming soon

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