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Gemini DU: There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.
首先,强调我的英语不是很好! 接着,我是一个胖胖的不是很美丽 但是很可爱的中国女孩。 我的名字叫杜小沫,英文名字叫Lumax Gemini. 我的亲人:爸爸、妈妈、两个姐姐、一个弟弟 我的兴趣:上网、黄梅戏、手工 爱吃的食物:米饭、法式小面包、AD钙奶 现在,我在香港嘉美·露曼施灯饰公司上班,职位是电子商务专员。主要是在淘宝网上经营和推广公司的店,我很喜欢我的这份工作。 淘宝店地址:http://lumax.taobao.com 公司官方网址:http://www.lumax.hk 阿里巴巴店:http://lumax.en.alibaba.com/index.html 总公司网址:http://www.karme.com.hk/home.html First, emphasize that my English is not very good! Then, I am a fat, not very beautiful,But very lovely Chinese girl. My name is du xiao mo(杜小沫), the English name Lumax Gemini. My family: Dad, Mom , two sisters and a brother My interest in huangmei opera: the Internet,, manual Love to eat food: rice, French bread, AD calcium milk. Now, I'm in KARME LIGHTING CO.,LTD(H.K) work, at a electronic business affairs commissioner position. Mainly in taobao management and promote the company's store, I like my job. Taobao shop address: http://lumax.taobao.com Company official website: http://www.lumax.hk Alibaba shop: http://lumax.en.alibaba.com/index.html head office : http://www.karme.com.hk/home.html

Phone Model:Nokia 5233
Fav. Movies:《暮光之城》《野孩子》
Fav. Celebrity:Emma Roberts
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:10 years ago

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