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Dania: Ut Amem Et Foveam
I'm a bit shy. Especially if I don't know you. I hate guys who floods my inbox and the first things they ask are my e-mail address and those who give their e-mail asking me to add them instead. These people will never get my time of the day. My Brunei malay isn't very good. I grew up in my home speaking primarily English, secondarily what you call standard Malay, and occasionally Japanese.

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:Softbank
Phone Model:Toshiba A5517T
Occupation:Forever his
Like:Sprinkles, strawberries, swimming, sushi and sashimi, I also love travelling
Hate:Ignorant people who add me up without reading my profile beforehand
Fav. Music:JPop mostly, Orange Range, Larc en Ciel, CK5, Brilliant Green, High and Mighty Color, Visual Kei, jealkb, versailles, Gackt, XJAPAN
Fav. Movies:Tokyo Friends, Nightmare Detective, Backdancers, Sepi
Fav. Books:Dearly Devoted Dexter and anything from the likes of Nicholas Sparks, Cecilia Ahern, Kathryn Applegate, Elizabeth Kostova, I read a lottt
Fav. Celebrity:My boyfriend, the amazingly georgeous Shirota Yuu, Gackt, guys with funky Japanese hairstyle
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Idea for Valentine Days

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