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Hello. ^_^ I'm from Malaysia and I love to SMS and play with my cellphone. So that's why I'm here XD XD I love to download new themes for my cellphone, is like buying a new clothes for your cellphone, ^_^ after so many years i decided to create new themes for everyone to share. Besides to create more themes i would love to have new friends around the world. =) please add me and be my friend not because just theme. Is about everything ^_^ I do have a blog, if you are interested do visit and leave a message if you have a blog and wish to be link back =D http://www.otata.blogspot.com UPDATE: I have a japanese blog. if you dun mind please have a visit http://ameblo.jp/cinnamorollkim/ PS: I changed to Sony Ericsson W705, so I will focus on this phone's theme. As this site doesn't provide slot for W705, I'll create W700 themes instead. ;) nice to meet you all here ~~~^o^ 私の友達になって下さい これからもよろしく キムでした

Phone Model:W705
Schools:tadika murni, SKTBM, SMKTBM, IACT
Like:to SMS, daydreaming, blogging, create themes, writes fan fiction, create fan art, drawing manga, singing, playing online games, watch J, drama, watch anime
Hate:people who always LOVE to compare his, her life with mine, I can, t say I, m lucky because it depends on everyone, s point of view, ignores me, disrespect me
Fav. Music:J, rock, J, pop, J, metal, K, pop
Fav. Movies:Avatar
Fav. Books:なし
Fav. Celebrity:Antique Cafe, w, inds, SID, girugamesh, SS501, SHINee
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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