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M.J.: Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you!
I decided to make my own themes b'coz i cant find any that satisfies me :\ most of all, VK themes are rare to find. xD I used to have an N70, until a bloody thief from school stole it. Now I feel degraded 'coz it was replaced by a boring Nokia 3160 XpressMusic Important Message: THE TAGS DON'T WORK I've tried it [try it too if you don't believe me] it doesn't detect what you type on the search tab, wtf. so just type your tags on the theme names instead, like what I did. It's nice to see fellow VK fans on OwnSkin :D hello~

Relation:In a Relationship
Phone Model:N70, old, Nokia 5130 Xpress Music, new
Occupation:Art student
Like:myboyfriend, chocolate, cutestuff, visualkei, leopardpatterns, stars, rainbows, funstuff, animals
Hate:cruelpeople, wearing glasses, climbing, homework, disrespect
Fav. Music:rock, ヴィジュアル系, pop, techno, metal
Fav. Celebrity:Johnny Depp
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:10 years ago

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