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Male,45,,Kota Belud
IM Just a weirdo who thinks that being normal is way out of his league..selfish..can be apathetic..enjoy laughing..hates discrimination and prejudice of music..a music addict...obsessed with music..listen to almost all genre of music..I LITERALLY have no massive obsession with any music bands(but i do appreciate their creativity)..i have no idols..i cannot tolerate with hypocrites and backstabbers..i dont need genre of music just to tell u who i am so stop labelling me..Only God can judge me..absent-minded(sometimes)..sarcastic(sometimes)...lurve hanging out with my loco friends..sometimes i cant control my temper..wew.."WAPPERS" make me sick..Liar disgust me..A proud sabahan who thinks only sabahan malays dialects are cool.. psychodelic rock....Music is my life...no one can change the fact that i am is who i am..internal locus of control..what comes around goes around..to err is human, to forgive,DIVINE..i dont FORGIVE because i'm WEAK, i FORGIVE them because i'm STRONG enough to know that PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES..nobody's perfect..What u give, u get back..Fight for what u think is right..if IT doesn't kill u, it'll only make u stronger..The best things in life are not free but priceless. ..The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live..rockers jugak manusia..yeah~!.. Mehehehew~! To all the haters with my name on their mouth..i hope y'all choke on it~! THANK YOU~! Sincerely me, BLacKsTarzz

Mobile Operator:Celcom, DG
Phone Model:Nokia 5700 xpress Music
Like:pLayiNg guitar, keyboard, piaNo n video games, watcHiNg movies, sports n aNime, ListeNing musics n siNgiNg, exploriNg IT aNd cHattiNg
Fav. Music:aNy music, as LoNg it wouLd HeaL my souL
Fav. Movies:actioN packs, fictioN, Horror, comedy, faNtasy, i Love them aLL
Fav. Books:as LoNg it wouLd gives me fuN, kNowLedge aNd not makiNg me feeL bored
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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