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BL8ZE: u r what u believe in>>>>>>>>>
Male,36,,ar riyadh
there is always someone 4U rm_f1st('0','350','true','false','000000','2rRGRPigWJ1','true','ffffff');

Mobile Operator:al jawal
Phone Model:nokia n 70
Like:faith in people, muhammed, p, b, u, h, nice frinds
Hate:evrything bad, stuped, poor, study
Fav. Music:jass, rap, slow rock, dido, westlife
Fav. Movies:armageddon, gladiator, dead space, fast and the furious, the marine, body of lies, rain man, residen evil, silent hill, mission impassable, high school musical, u got mail
Fav. Books:the art of war, men are from mars women are from venus, if love is a game these are the rules, the rules of lif, the rules of rich
Fav. Celebrity:john cena avrillavigne c, ronaldo lionel messi jojo westlife blue kate winselt denzil washington bruce willes tom cruse meg ryan jacke chan, eminem, 2 pac, the game, fabolous, evanescence, akon, fort minor, linkin park, lupe fiasco
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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