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in life: If you went to a certain place and you've stayed there long enough...eventualy,you will become that place..
Male,44,,sumwer in d muara district
im single,i lyk 2help people dat r close 2me..lov 2mke new frenz,lov reading n writting things dat relates 2 evryrthn..im a metal lover coz it rings beautifully 2my ears n sumtyms i wrote my own songs.I hope der r lots of girls here lov 2 befriends with me n i always welcome a new fren with my arms wide open..2evry1,hv a great life k

Mobile Operator:dst
Phone Model:E71
Occupation:discreet lh hehehe
Schools:haha lama dh fnish ptghan jalan
Like:girls dat r sweet, nice, respect others, lovable
Hate:girls who dsnt want 2make new frenz, Girls who thinks she has everything and girls dat had let me experienced a tastes of their hypocrisies, your the suck ups
Fav. Music:hardcore, gothic, nu metal, grundge, trash metal, alternative rock
Fav. Movies:comedy coz laughing is lyk therapy 2me n horror but only all english movies
Fav. Books:ilmiah
Fav. Celebrity:members of linkin park, slipknot, 30seconds 2mars, dragonforce, nirvana, lamb of god, and other bands dat realy rocks out
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

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