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mickey: mm.. motto?? apa motto ne? Haha. Lol. ndaa ku tau ehh. Toink.
Female,29,,blue town
about me? mm.. Let me intro, ayu is the name, just call mickey. schoolah at s.m.r in pom1, live in kg rimbaa. im kindly, manja, cute, hmmp lawa? Not sure. ghaa. hobby: dance, dngr lgu, men game, bca novel, comic, mengatil, membuli. I hate big liarr. andand bnibni yg klanjian, perampas, yg perasan cute, luan kgtalann, backstaber, kawan makan kawan, bf stealer, lakilaki gatal, yang tunjuk kuat aa.

Mobile Operator:classic
Phone Model:6120
Company:still schoolahh
Schools:s, m, rimbaa
Like:like a guy yg cute, handsome, tinggi, sporting, mm, apa g aa, nda tau g
Hate:hate, bnibni yg perasan cute, kgatalan, klanjiann, mm, and hate big liarr, hate guy make my heart hurt,
Fav. Music:last night, lgu kita, when youre gone, issabela, tentang bintang, pujaan hati, stick with you, buttons, takdir cinta, kiss me thru the phone, dirty little secret, nobody, bom bom pow, dalam benci ada rindu, bila terasa rindu, disturbia, jodi, leave
Fav. Movies:horror movie, Funny movie, angle of vegeance
Fav. Books:dont like book, if novel i like it, Haha, tunggu exam bru rajinn
Fav. Celebrity:happy bfday and hari raya
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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