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Male,20,,EAST JAVA
Your love is like diamonds. That sparkle in the night. Your love is like the stars. That shine so bright. Your love is like the wind. That feels so cool. Your love is like ice cream. That tastes so smooth. Your love is like the sky. That is so blue. Your love is like a bright sunny day. That makes the world seem new. http://newsusa24.com/ http://newsusa24.com/

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:XL axiata
Company:Education Department, The Indonesian Academy Of Hypnotherapy
Schools:Telecomunication Enggineering, Education Univercity, The Indonesian Academy of Hypnotherapy
Like:playing piano, playing guitar, long driving
Hate:lier, separation, without my sajid
Fav. Music:depend on mood
Fav. Movies:maan,
Fav. Books:the holy Quran
Fav. Celebrity:sajid7892
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

Cuming soon

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