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lhen: “Join the ones who dare to care”
Female,32,,rizal, nueva ecija
.22Th day of march when i existed in this worLd (worLd full of Lies) .17 yrs of existence made me realize how great Life is, i Live life to it's fullest and surely i Live my life fuLL of cOntentment. .of course love is always in the air , it's also a part of this so called "existence" , I was adored by many, i Loved million times already , sOmetimes in good terms but most of the time it's not. Lovin' is not a sin it only helps a person know how it feels like bein' LOVED n hOw Love could shed a million tears• ,loving and undestanding. person who are trying to make herself comfortable whenever she see things that make she feel sad. cry a lot sometimes pag heart broken hahaha shy:)

Mobile Operator:
Phone Model:N95 8GB
Schools:far eastern university
Like:do love me, make me feel like im a someone so special, are real when it comes to dealing with me, loyal
Hate:dont have any reason to hate me, take me granted, dont give a damn care for me, hate me
Fav. Music:At the beginning
Fav. Movies:horror m0vies
Fav. Books:love bo0k
Fav. Celebrity:vice ganda
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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