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TruE LovE iz h@rD tO finD: hard to believe people in our surrounding..hope god bless me to find a good person for me
Female,34,,Cheras, k, el
hi...i'm aen..nice to mett you all...i now in relationship...have a nice day's and hope we all can be friend.. i like someone that really want's to be my friends..i hate person that just want to playing around with me.. be care full!! i hate who is hypocrite and lier.. wo..hohoho... nice to you all..dont 4get to add me okay... mmmmuuuaaakkkkhhssss....
Mobile Operator:nokia
Phone Model:2600 klasik
Schools:banyak sek yang dah saya merantau
Like:ma cat, raden and suri, both parsi
Hate:owang yang hiprokrit dan suke menipu saya
Fav. Music:indies, such as bunkface, hujan, the couple, metalica
Fav. Movies:many movei, such as, filem yang menakutkan
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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