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Metatron: "Do it with style or don't bother doing it at all.."
One of The Fallen...

Relation:Is a Secret
Occupation:Also a Secret
Company:If you knew I, d have no choice but to kill you
Like:anything anime and mysterious
Hate:pretencious, braggarts, narrow, minded, self, righteous, bigots, racist, social, climbing, perverts, users
Fav. Music:j, pop, jazz, new wave, reggae, bossa, praise, ballads, novelty and pop tunes
Fav. Movies:anything that, s got action, comedy, fantasy, sci, fi thrown into the mix with a feel, good story or moral lesson in the end
Fav. Books:the Bible, the Akashik Records and anything to do with the esoteric arts
Fav. Celebrity:anyone whose a good role model that can REALLY act, sing, dance and help other people with their true talents
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:16 years ago

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