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You will never see me again someone have to cry for you you will never see me again no matter what you di

Phone Model:e5 and samsungS2
Like:death, doom metal, dark metal, mystery, dark gothic, dancing all night, when iget upset i watch spnoge pop, lyoko code, watching MTV, drawing, tattoos, driving lamborghin
Hate:lies, deception
Fav. Music:saturnus, evanscense, immortal, linkin park, adam gontier
Fav. Movies:the dark knight, the interpreter, fair game, mystic river, into the wild, all the king, s men, iam sam, the edge, into the wild, antwan feisher, drama movies and horror movies
Fav. Books:holly quran, sherlok holmes, hitchkok
Fav. Celebrity:dido, nickole kidman, sean penn, anthony hoplins
Skinner Since:12 years ago
Last Login:9 years ago

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